معلومات إسلامية مهمة
ما اليوم الذي خلق فيه سيدنا آدم؟ الجمعة
من أكبر أولاد سيدنا آدم؟ قابيل
ما طول سيدنا آدم؟ ستون ذراعاً
لماذا سميت حواء بهذا الاسم؟ لأنها خلقت من حي وهو آدم
من أول من أعطي النبوه بعد آدم عليه السلام؟ إدريس عليه السلام
كم عدد الأعوام بين آدم ونوح عليهما السلام؟ عشرة قرون لحديث رسول الله عليه السلام: "كان بين أدم ونوح عشرة قرون كلهم على الإسلام"
من أول رسول بعث إلى الأرض؟ سيدنا نوح عليه السلام
من شيخ المرسلين؟ سيدنا نوح عليه السلام
ما عدد السنين التي دعا فيها سيدنا نوح قومه إلى الله تعالى؟ 950سنة
ينتسب كل من على الأرض إلى أبناء نوح عليه السلام وهم؟ سام (أبو العرب)، حام (أبو الحبش)، يافت (أبو الروم)
كم عدد الأنبياء؟ 120 ألف نبي
كم عدد الرسل؟ 313 رسولاً
ذكر القران منهم؟ 25 رسول
من أول من خط بالقلم؟ إدريس عليه السلام
أين ولد سيدنا إبراهيم؟ ولد سيدنا إبراهيم ببابل بالعراق
بماذا لقب سيدنا إبراهيم؟ بأبى الأنبياء
وكانت كنيته؟ أبو الضيفان
أين دفن سيدنا إبراهيم؟ بمدينة الخليل بفلسطين
من أول من ضيف الضيف؟ إبراهيم عليه السلام
ما الأرض التي سكن بها قوم سيدنا شعيب؟ مدين
من أصحاب الأيكة؟ قوم سيدناشعيب
ما هي الأيكة التي كان يعبدها قوم سيدنا شعيب؟ هي شجرة كبيرة ملتفة الأغصان وحولها غيصة
من النبي الذي لقب بذي النون؟ يونس عليه السلام
من النبي الذي سخر له الله الجبال تسبح معه؟ داود عليه السلام
من النبي الذي لقب بخليفة الله؟ داود عليه السلام
من النبي الذي لقب كليم الله؟ موسى عليه السلام
من النبي الذي لقب بخليل الله؟ إبراهيم عليه السلام
من النبي الذي لقب بحبيب الله؟ محمد بن عبد الله عليه أفضل الصلاة والسلام
من الأنبياء الذين لقيهم خاتم المرسلين في السموات ليلة الإسراء والمعراج؟ في السماء الأولى: أدم عليه السلام في السماءالثانية: عيسى ويحيى عليهما السلام في السماء الثالثة: يوسف عليه السلام في السماء الرابعة: إدريس عليه السلام في السماء الخامسة: هارون عليه السلام في السماء السادسة: موسى عليه السلام في السماءالسابعة: إبراهيم عليه السلام
من أول من كتب التاريخ الهجري؟ سيدنا عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه.
من هو أول مؤذن في الإسلام؟ بلال بن رباح.
من أول من لقب بسيف الله المسلول؟ الصحابي
Monday, March 16, 2009
english arabic important sentences
- السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
May Allah's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you
2- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah most Compassionate most Merciful
3- أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله و أشهد أن محمد رسول الله
I testify that there is no God but Allah and that Mohammad is His Messenger
4- الحمد لله
Praises be to Allah
5- سبحان الله
Glory be to Allah
6- الله أكبر
Allah is Greatest
7- إن شاء الله
If Allah wills
8- أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
I seek Allah's protection from the rejected satan
9- لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله
There is no power nor might save in Allah
10- استغفر الله
I ask Allah for forgiveness
May Allah's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you
2- بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah most Compassionate most Merciful
3- أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله و أشهد أن محمد رسول الله
I testify that there is no God but Allah and that Mohammad is His Messenger
4- الحمد لله
Praises be to Allah
5- سبحان الله
Glory be to Allah
6- الله أكبر
Allah is Greatest
7- إن شاء الله
If Allah wills
8- أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
I seek Allah's protection from the rejected satan
9- لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله
There is no power nor might save in Allah
10- استغفر الله
I ask Allah for forgiveness
islam !!!!!!what's?
According to Islam you have to believe in Allah, the Angels of Allah (Malaikah), the Books of Allah (Kutubullah), the messengers of Allah, (Rusulullah), the Day of Judgement (Yawmuddin), the Supremacy of the Divine Will (Al-Qadâr ) and life after death (Akhirah).
Allah is the name of God. Some people ascribe false attributes to Allah. We Muslims have our knowledge of Allah through what He revealed in the Holy Qura’n or through Prophet Muhammad (e , Salalahu Alihi Wasallam. SAW, peace be upon him).
“Allah, there is no god save Him, the Alive, the Eternal, Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. Into Him belongs what so ever is in the heavens and what so ever is in the earth. Who is he that intercedes with Him save by His leave? he knows that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save that He will. His Throne includes the hwavens and the earth, and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the Sublime, the Tremendous” (Qura’n. 2:255).
“All that is in the heavens and earth glorify Allah and He is the Mighty, the Wise. His is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He ordains life and death and has power over all things. He is the First and the Last and the Inward and the Outward. He has knowledge of all things” (Qura’n. 57:1-4).
“Everything will perish save His countenance. His is the command and unto Him you will be brought back”(Qura’n. 28:88).
“The Originator of the heavens and the earth, when He will a thing He only says unto it “BE” and it is (Qura’n. 2:117)
“And not an atom’s weight in the earth or in the heavens escapes your Lord’s knowledge; neither is there anything smaller than that or larger, but is recorded in a clear decree” (Qura’n. 10-61).
“He knows what you conceal and what you reveal and God knows well the (secrets) of (all) hearts. (Qura’n. 64:4).
“There is nothing like unto Him” (Qura’n. 42:11).
Angles of Allah
The angels have been created from light, they obey Allah, carryout His will and have no free will, Angel Gibril (Gabriel) for example brought revelations from Allah to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and other prophets. Other angels record our deeds or carryout other functions.
Books of Allah
Allah revealed Books of guidance through his prophets. Muslims believe in all the Original Books of Allah mentioned in the Qura’n, the Tawrat (Turah of Moses), the Zabur (Psalma of David), the Injil (Gospel) and Suhuf Ibrahim (the Scrollsof Abraham). The Qura’n is the only book of Allah which exists unchanged in its original form. The other Books are not in their original languages and are distorted and mixed with human words. The Qura’n was recorded as soon as it was revealed and was memorised by heart by Muslims.
Messengers of Allah
Allah sent prophets and messengers to show people the right path there is no nation to which Allah did not send a prophet as mentioned the Qura’n (35:24). The name of 25 prophets are mentioned in the Qura’n . Example of these prophets are: Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa and Muhammad ( Peace be upon them ). All prophets and messengers preached Islam i.e. to surrender to the Will of Allah the One who has no partners. Muhammad (SAW) is the seal of prophets (Qura’n 33:40).
Al Qadar
Allah has given man a free will. He does not force man to obey or disobey. Allah, The fact Allah knows what we are going to do does not mean that we do not have free will, knows whether man will obey or disobey.
Life on earth is meant to be a preparation for the Akhirah (life after death) Life is meaningless if people of good actions are not rewarded and people of bad conduct are not punished at the Day of Judgement. Muslim believers will be rewarded for their good actions by admitting them to Janah (Paradise) Wrong-doers and unbelievers will be punished in Annar ( Hell Fire ).
In Islam there are five basic duties which Muslims must perform. They are known as the five pillars of Islam (Arkanul Islam). These are: Shahadah, the establishment of prayer (Salah), the payment of Zakah (paying the poor due), the Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah and Sawm Ramadan (fasting the month of Ramadan).
SHAHADA (The First Pillar of Islam)
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
“La llaha illal-lahu Muhammad resululah“
“There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah“
This declaration is called “Shahadah”.
Shahadah means that there is only One Lord, Allah, the Creator, the Organizer, the Planner and the Sustainer of the Universe.
Shahadah means that Allah has the most Beautiful Names and Qualities mentioned by the Qur’an or Prophet Muhammad (SAW). ALL names and qualities of Allah are taken without changing their meanings or neglecting them. We should keep in mind that ”Nothing is like unto Allah” (Qura’n 42:11). Therefore, it does not meet with Majesty of Allah to be confined with a time or a place and it is not accepted that Allah existed in any of His creation including Jesus Christ (peace be upon him).
Shahadah means that Muhammad (SAW) is the messenger of Allah, Allah Says: “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets” (Qura’n 33:40). “And whatever the messenger (Muhammad) gives you, take it and whatever he forbids you, abstain from it”. (Qura’n 59:1). “Say (O Muhammad) if you love Allah follow me Allah loves you” (Qura’n 3:31).
Therefore, whatever any one says may be taken or rejected as to whether his sayings are in accordance with the Book of Allah (the Qura’n) or with the tradition of prophet Muhammad (SAW) (Sayings and deeds).
In order to become a Muslim, you have to utter “Shahadah” by your tongue and your actions should confirm the meanings of Shahadah
SALAH (The Second Pillar of Islam)
The second pillar of Islam is performing Salah (prayer). The Muslim is enjoined to perform five obligatory prayers every day to keep himself in relation with his Lord, to invoke and implore Him, and to refrain himself from committing lewdness or indecency. These prayers not only ensure psychological rest to the Muslim in this present life, but they also pave the way to him to gain eternal happiness in the hereafter.
To perform prayer, one should be clean, wearing clean clothes and perform prayer in a clean place.
The Muslim should always cleanse himself by pure water. He should remove all traces of stool, urine, or any other dirt. Before prayer the Muslim should perform Wudu (ablution).
Prayer is the pillar of religion. It succeeds in importance the Shahadah Therefore, it is not only a duty on the Muslim to observe performing prayers from his maturity up to his death, but he should also order his household to perform it. He should also order his children to start practicing it from the time when they are 7 years old so that they may be accustomed to perform it. Allah Says:
" إن الصلاة كانت على المؤمنين كتابا موقوتا " النساء : من آية 103
“enjoined on the believers.” (Qur’an 4:103).Performing prayers at fixed times has been
The prophet (SAW) said: “The obligation which distinguishes betus and the unbelievers is prayer”. Therefore, whosoever resists prayer, becomes unbeliever. Prayer is a duty on the Muslim in all circumstances. Even if he is sick or frightened he should perform his daily prayers, standing, sitting or even lying.
The five obligatory daily prayers are the Morning Prayer (Fajr), the noon prayer (Zuhr), the afternoon prayer (Asr), the evening prayer (Maghrib) and the night prayer (Ishaa).
The time due to Morning Prayer begins at true dawn and extends until the sun rises. It should not be delayed beyond this span of time. The time for noon prayer starts from the Zawal (a little after the sun passes the meridian) and extends till one’s shadow becomes equal to its own length plus the length of its noon- time shadow. The time enjoined for afternoon prayer starts after the end of noon-prayer time and extends until the sun turns yellow. One must hasten to perform it while the sun is still bright. The time for Maghrib prayer begins soon after sunsets and lasts till the disappearance of the twilight. Its performance should not be delayed. The time for Ishaa prayer begins after the disappearance of the twilight and lasts till midnight. If a Muslim delays one of these five prayers, he commits a grievous sin. He should turn to Allah in repentance and refrain himself from recommitting it. The Qura’n warns those who delay their prayers from its fixed times.
"فويل للمصلين الذين هم عن صلاتهم ساهون "سورة الماعون الآية 4-5
“Woe unto those who pray but delay their prayers from its stated fixed time” (Quran 107: 7-4).
Performance of Wudu (Ablution)
Wudu is the act of washing those parts of the body that are generally exposed. The water should be pure clean and fresh with no change in its colour, taste and smell. Wudu is done as follows:
1 -Make a full intention of performing the Wudu for offering prayer and recite.
"بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم"
“Bismillahir – rahmanir – rahim“, (in the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Most Merciful).
2 - Wash hands up to the wrists three times, passing the fingers in between each other.
3 - Rinse your mouth with water three times.
4 - Rinse the nostrils with water, sniffing up water and blowing it out.
5 - Wash the face from the forehead to the chin bone and from ear to ear three times.
6 - Wash the right arm followed by the left up to elbows three times.
7 - Brush up the whole head with wet hands
8 - Pass the wet tips of the index fingers inside and the wet tips of the thumbs outside the ears.
9 - Wash the feet up to the ankles three times. The right foot is washed first and then the left, taking care to wash in between the toes.
The same Wudu may be used for several prayers. However, if a Muslim urinates, defecates, passes wind or loses his consciousness for any reason after Wudu he should re-perform it again before prayer.
If a Muslim is in a state of major impurity (discharged semen in erotic dreams, or practiced intercourse … etc), he should clean his body by taking a bath. Women also should carry out this cleansing bath to purify themselves after menstruation or childbirth. Allah has disburdened women and exempted them from performing prayer during menstruation and childbirth till blood stops (for a maximum of 40 days according to some scholars or 60 days according to others).
If a Muslim is in a desert area or on a journey and finds no water, or if he fears that using water will harm him (because of sickness), he is permitted to purify himself by using good clean earth or sand instead of water. This is called, Tayammum, (purification with earth). It is done in the following way: you intend by heart to perform it, then you strike the dust (or sand) with your hands and wipe your hands over your face, your right hand by your left hand and your left hand by your right hand. Purification with earth is also permissible to women after the period of menstruation or confinement if water is not available, or if its could harm them
Adhan (call to prayer)
The person who gives the Adhan is called the mu’azzin (Caller).
While calling for prayer, he stands in the Minaret or in the courtyard of the mosque, facing the Qiblah and raises his hands to his ears and calls out.
الله اكبر (Allahu Akber) (Allah is the Greatest)
الله اكبر (Allahu Akber) (Allah is the Greatest)
الله اكبر (Allahu Akber) (Allah is the Greatest)
الله اكبر (Allahu Akber) (Allah is the Greatest)
أشهد أن لا اله إلا الله (Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah) (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah)
أشهد أن لا اله إلا الله (Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah) (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah)
اشهد أن محمدا رسول الله (Ashhadu anna muhammader rasulllah) (Ibear witness that Muhammad is Allah’s messenger)
اشهد أن محمدا رسول الله (Ashhadu anna muhammader rasulllah) (Ibear witness that Muhammad is Allah’s messenger)
حي على الصلوة (Hayya ales salah) (Rush prayer)
حي على الصلوة (Hayya ales salah) (Rush prayer)
حي على الفلاح (Hayya alas falah) (Rush to success)
حي على الفلاح (Hayya alas falah) (Rush to success)
الله اكبر (Allahu Akber) (Allah is the Greatest)
الله اكبر (Allahu Akber) (Allah is the Greatest)
لا اله إلا الله (la ilaha illallah) (here is no god but Allah )
During the Adhan for Fajr Salah, the following is added after Hayya alal falah:
الصلوة خير من النوم (Assalatu khairun minan naum) (Salah is better than sleep
Iqamah is another call to prayer said just before the actual start of Salah. The following is aid (in Arabic language):
Allah is great twice.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah once.
I bear witness that Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger once.
Rush to prayer once.
Rush to success once.
The prayer has begun twice.
Allah great twice.
There is no god but Allah once.
It is similar to Adhan except that after Hayya alal falah the following added:
قد قامت الصلوة (Qad Qamatis salah) (the prayer has begun
According to Islam you have to believe in Allah, the Angels of Allah (Malaikah), the Books of Allah (Kutubullah), the messengers of Allah, (Rusulullah), the Day of Judgement (Yawmuddin), the Supremacy of the Divine Will (Al-Qadâr ) and life after death (Akhirah).
Allah is the name of God. Some people ascribe false attributes to Allah. We Muslims have our knowledge of Allah through what He revealed in the Holy Qura’n or through Prophet Muhammad (e , Salalahu Alihi Wasallam. SAW, peace be upon him).
“Allah, there is no god save Him, the Alive, the Eternal, Neither slumber nor sleep overtakes Him. Into Him belongs what so ever is in the heavens and what so ever is in the earth. Who is he that intercedes with Him save by His leave? he knows that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save that He will. His Throne includes the hwavens and the earth, and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the Sublime, the Tremendous” (Qura’n. 2:255).
“All that is in the heavens and earth glorify Allah and He is the Mighty, the Wise. His is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth. He ordains life and death and has power over all things. He is the First and the Last and the Inward and the Outward. He has knowledge of all things” (Qura’n. 57:1-4).
“Everything will perish save His countenance. His is the command and unto Him you will be brought back”(Qura’n. 28:88).
“The Originator of the heavens and the earth, when He will a thing He only says unto it “BE” and it is (Qura’n. 2:117)
“And not an atom’s weight in the earth or in the heavens escapes your Lord’s knowledge; neither is there anything smaller than that or larger, but is recorded in a clear decree” (Qura’n. 10-61).
“He knows what you conceal and what you reveal and God knows well the (secrets) of (all) hearts. (Qura’n. 64:4).
“There is nothing like unto Him” (Qura’n. 42:11).
Angles of Allah
The angels have been created from light, they obey Allah, carryout His will and have no free will, Angel Gibril (Gabriel) for example brought revelations from Allah to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and other prophets. Other angels record our deeds or carryout other functions.
Books of Allah
Allah revealed Books of guidance through his prophets. Muslims believe in all the Original Books of Allah mentioned in the Qura’n, the Tawrat (Turah of Moses), the Zabur (Psalma of David), the Injil (Gospel) and Suhuf Ibrahim (the Scrollsof Abraham). The Qura’n is the only book of Allah which exists unchanged in its original form. The other Books are not in their original languages and are distorted and mixed with human words. The Qura’n was recorded as soon as it was revealed and was memorised by heart by Muslims.
Messengers of Allah
Allah sent prophets and messengers to show people the right path there is no nation to which Allah did not send a prophet as mentioned the Qura’n (35:24). The name of 25 prophets are mentioned in the Qura’n . Example of these prophets are: Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa and Muhammad ( Peace be upon them ). All prophets and messengers preached Islam i.e. to surrender to the Will of Allah the One who has no partners. Muhammad (SAW) is the seal of prophets (Qura’n 33:40).
Al Qadar
Allah has given man a free will. He does not force man to obey or disobey. Allah, The fact Allah knows what we are going to do does not mean that we do not have free will, knows whether man will obey or disobey.
Life on earth is meant to be a preparation for the Akhirah (life after death) Life is meaningless if people of good actions are not rewarded and people of bad conduct are not punished at the Day of Judgement. Muslim believers will be rewarded for their good actions by admitting them to Janah (Paradise) Wrong-doers and unbelievers will be punished in Annar ( Hell Fire ).
In Islam there are five basic duties which Muslims must perform. They are known as the five pillars of Islam (Arkanul Islam). These are: Shahadah, the establishment of prayer (Salah), the payment of Zakah (paying the poor due), the Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah and Sawm Ramadan (fasting the month of Ramadan).
SHAHADA (The First Pillar of Islam)
لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله
“La llaha illal-lahu Muhammad resululah“
“There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah“
This declaration is called “Shahadah”.
Shahadah means that there is only One Lord, Allah, the Creator, the Organizer, the Planner and the Sustainer of the Universe.
Shahadah means that Allah has the most Beautiful Names and Qualities mentioned by the Qur’an or Prophet Muhammad (SAW). ALL names and qualities of Allah are taken without changing their meanings or neglecting them. We should keep in mind that ”Nothing is like unto Allah” (Qura’n 42:11). Therefore, it does not meet with Majesty of Allah to be confined with a time or a place and it is not accepted that Allah existed in any of His creation including Jesus Christ (peace be upon him).
Shahadah means that Muhammad (SAW) is the messenger of Allah, Allah Says: “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets” (Qura’n 33:40). “And whatever the messenger (Muhammad) gives you, take it and whatever he forbids you, abstain from it”. (Qura’n 59:1). “Say (O Muhammad) if you love Allah follow me Allah loves you” (Qura’n 3:31).
Therefore, whatever any one says may be taken or rejected as to whether his sayings are in accordance with the Book of Allah (the Qura’n) or with the tradition of prophet Muhammad (SAW) (Sayings and deeds).
In order to become a Muslim, you have to utter “Shahadah” by your tongue and your actions should confirm the meanings of Shahadah
SALAH (The Second Pillar of Islam)
The second pillar of Islam is performing Salah (prayer). The Muslim is enjoined to perform five obligatory prayers every day to keep himself in relation with his Lord, to invoke and implore Him, and to refrain himself from committing lewdness or indecency. These prayers not only ensure psychological rest to the Muslim in this present life, but they also pave the way to him to gain eternal happiness in the hereafter.
To perform prayer, one should be clean, wearing clean clothes and perform prayer in a clean place.
The Muslim should always cleanse himself by pure water. He should remove all traces of stool, urine, or any other dirt. Before prayer the Muslim should perform Wudu (ablution).
Prayer is the pillar of religion. It succeeds in importance the Shahadah Therefore, it is not only a duty on the Muslim to observe performing prayers from his maturity up to his death, but he should also order his household to perform it. He should also order his children to start practicing it from the time when they are 7 years old so that they may be accustomed to perform it. Allah Says:
" إن الصلاة كانت على المؤمنين كتابا موقوتا " النساء : من آية 103
“enjoined on the believers.” (Qur’an 4:103).Performing prayers at fixed times has been
The prophet (SAW) said: “The obligation which distinguishes betus and the unbelievers is prayer”. Therefore, whosoever resists prayer, becomes unbeliever. Prayer is a duty on the Muslim in all circumstances. Even if he is sick or frightened he should perform his daily prayers, standing, sitting or even lying.
The five obligatory daily prayers are the Morning Prayer (Fajr), the noon prayer (Zuhr), the afternoon prayer (Asr), the evening prayer (Maghrib) and the night prayer (Ishaa).
The time due to Morning Prayer begins at true dawn and extends until the sun rises. It should not be delayed beyond this span of time. The time for noon prayer starts from the Zawal (a little after the sun passes the meridian) and extends till one’s shadow becomes equal to its own length plus the length of its noon- time shadow. The time enjoined for afternoon prayer starts after the end of noon-prayer time and extends until the sun turns yellow. One must hasten to perform it while the sun is still bright. The time for Maghrib prayer begins soon after sunsets and lasts till the disappearance of the twilight. Its performance should not be delayed. The time for Ishaa prayer begins after the disappearance of the twilight and lasts till midnight. If a Muslim delays one of these five prayers, he commits a grievous sin. He should turn to Allah in repentance and refrain himself from recommitting it. The Qura’n warns those who delay their prayers from its fixed times.
"فويل للمصلين الذين هم عن صلاتهم ساهون "سورة الماعون الآية 4-5
“Woe unto those who pray but delay their prayers from its stated fixed time” (Quran 107: 7-4).
Performance of Wudu (Ablution)
Wudu is the act of washing those parts of the body that are generally exposed. The water should be pure clean and fresh with no change in its colour, taste and smell. Wudu is done as follows:
1 -Make a full intention of performing the Wudu for offering prayer and recite.
"بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم"
“Bismillahir – rahmanir – rahim“, (in the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Most Merciful).
2 - Wash hands up to the wrists three times, passing the fingers in between each other.
3 - Rinse your mouth with water three times.
4 - Rinse the nostrils with water, sniffing up water and blowing it out.
5 - Wash the face from the forehead to the chin bone and from ear to ear three times.
6 - Wash the right arm followed by the left up to elbows three times.
7 - Brush up the whole head with wet hands
8 - Pass the wet tips of the index fingers inside and the wet tips of the thumbs outside the ears.
9 - Wash the feet up to the ankles three times. The right foot is washed first and then the left, taking care to wash in between the toes.
The same Wudu may be used for several prayers. However, if a Muslim urinates, defecates, passes wind or loses his consciousness for any reason after Wudu he should re-perform it again before prayer.
If a Muslim is in a state of major impurity (discharged semen in erotic dreams, or practiced intercourse … etc), he should clean his body by taking a bath. Women also should carry out this cleansing bath to purify themselves after menstruation or childbirth. Allah has disburdened women and exempted them from performing prayer during menstruation and childbirth till blood stops (for a maximum of 40 days according to some scholars or 60 days according to others).
If a Muslim is in a desert area or on a journey and finds no water, or if he fears that using water will harm him (because of sickness), he is permitted to purify himself by using good clean earth or sand instead of water. This is called, Tayammum, (purification with earth). It is done in the following way: you intend by heart to perform it, then you strike the dust (or sand) with your hands and wipe your hands over your face, your right hand by your left hand and your left hand by your right hand. Purification with earth is also permissible to women after the period of menstruation or confinement if water is not available, or if its could harm them
Adhan (call to prayer)
The person who gives the Adhan is called the mu’azzin (Caller).
While calling for prayer, he stands in the Minaret or in the courtyard of the mosque, facing the Qiblah and raises his hands to his ears and calls out.
الله اكبر (Allahu Akber) (Allah is the Greatest)
الله اكبر (Allahu Akber) (Allah is the Greatest)
الله اكبر (Allahu Akber) (Allah is the Greatest)
الله اكبر (Allahu Akber) (Allah is the Greatest)
أشهد أن لا اله إلا الله (Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah) (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah)
أشهد أن لا اله إلا الله (Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah) (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah)
اشهد أن محمدا رسول الله (Ashhadu anna muhammader rasulllah) (Ibear witness that Muhammad is Allah’s messenger)
اشهد أن محمدا رسول الله (Ashhadu anna muhammader rasulllah) (Ibear witness that Muhammad is Allah’s messenger)
حي على الصلوة (Hayya ales salah) (Rush prayer)
حي على الصلوة (Hayya ales salah) (Rush prayer)
حي على الفلاح (Hayya alas falah) (Rush to success)
حي على الفلاح (Hayya alas falah) (Rush to success)
الله اكبر (Allahu Akber) (Allah is the Greatest)
الله اكبر (Allahu Akber) (Allah is the Greatest)
لا اله إلا الله (la ilaha illallah) (here is no god but Allah )
During the Adhan for Fajr Salah, the following is added after Hayya alal falah:
الصلوة خير من النوم (Assalatu khairun minan naum) (Salah is better than sleep
Iqamah is another call to prayer said just before the actual start of Salah. The following is aid (in Arabic language):
Allah is great twice.
I bear witness that there is no god but Allah once.
I bear witness that Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger once.
Rush to prayer once.
Rush to success once.
The prayer has begun twice.
Allah great twice.
There is no god but Allah once.
It is similar to Adhan except that after Hayya alal falah the following added:
قد قامت الصلوة (Qad Qamatis salah) (the prayer has begun
kayfa tamut el malaika?arabic
]~ السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ]من أجمل وأحلى مــــا قرأته في حياتي القصيرة [/center]
كيف تموت الملائكة ؟؟؟
وماذا تطلب في لحظاتها الأخيرة ؟؟؟؟
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
والصلاة والسلام على خير البرية محمد بن عبد الله عليه أفضل الصلاة وأتم التسليم ....
قال تعالى في محكم التنزيل ((كل من عليها فان ويبقى وجه ربك ذو الجلا ل والإكرام)) كل من على الدنيا هالك لا محالة إلا الله عز وجل لا اله إلا هو سبحانه ...
فسأذكر لكم أحبتي في الله عن كيفيه موت الملائكة عليهم السلام .
كما نقل في كتاب ابن الجوزي رحمة الله ( بستان الواعظين ورياض السامعين)
بعدما ينفخ اسرافيل عليه السلام في الصور النفخة الأولى تستوي الأرض من شدة الزلزلة فيموت أهل الأرض جميعا وتموت ملائكة السبع سموات والحجب والسرادقات والصافون والمسبحون وحملة العرش وأهل سرادقات المجد والكروبيون ويبقى جبريل وميكائيل واسرافيل وملك الموت عليهم السلام .
موت جبريل علية السلام
يقول الجبار جل جلاله :يا ملك الموت من بقي؟ وهو أعلم_ فيقول ملك الموت :سيدي ومولاي أنت أعلم بقي إسرافيل وبقي ميكائيل وبقي جبريل وبقي عبدك الضعيف ملك الموت خاضع ذليل قد ذهلت نفسه لعظيم ما عاين من الأهوال . فيقول له الجبار تبارك وتعالى: انطلق إلى جبريل فأقبض روحه فينطلق إلى جبريل فيجده ساجدا راكعا فيقول له : ما أغفلك عما يراد بك يا مسكين قد مات بنو ادم وأهل الدنيا والأرض والطير والسباع والهوام وسكانالسموات وحملة العرش والكرسي والسرادقاتوسكان سدرة المنتهى وقد أمرني المولى بقبض روحك ! فعند ذلك يبكي جبريل علية السلام ويقول متضرعا إلى الله عز وجل :يا الله هون علي سكرات الموت ( يا الله هذا ملك كريم يتضرع ويطلب من الله بتهوين سكرات الموت وهو لم يعصي الله قط فما بالنا نحن البشر ونحن ساهون لا نذكر الموت إلا قليل )
فيضمه ضمة فيخر جبريل منها صريعا فيقول الجبار جل جلاله : من بقي يا ملك الموت_ وهو أعلم_ فيقول: مولاي وسيدي بقي ميكائيل وإسرافيل وعبدك الضعيف ملك الموت
موت ميكائيل عليه السلام (الملك المكلف بالماء والقطر )
فيقول الله عز وجل انطلق الى ميكائيل فأقبض روحه فينطلق الى ميكائيل فيجده ينتظر المطر ليكيله على السحاب فيقول له : ما أغفلك يا مسكين عما يراد بك ! ما بقي لبني ادم رزق ولا للأنعام ولا للوحوش ولا للهوام , قد أهلك أهل السموات والارضين وأهل الحجب والسرادقات وحملة العرش والكرسي وسرادقات المجد والكروبيون والصافون والمسبحون وقد أمرني ربي بقبض روحك , فعند ذلك يبكي ميكائيل ويتضرع إلى الله ويسأله أن يهون عليه سكرات الموت , فيحضنه ملك الموت ويضمه ضمة يقبض روحه فيخر صريعا ميتا لا روح فيه ,فيقول الجبار جل جلالة : من بقي_وهو أعلم _ يا ملك الموت؟ فيقول مولاي وسيدي أنت أعلم بقي إسرافيل وعبدك الضعيف ملك الموت .
موت إسرافيل عليه السلام ( الملك الموكل بنفخ الصور)
فيقول الجبار تبارك وتعالى :انطلق إلى إسرافيل فاقبض روحه .. فينطلق كما أمره الجبار إلى إسرافيل (واسرافيل ملك عظيم ) , فيقول له ما أغفلك يا مسكين عما يراد بك! قد ماتت الخلائق كلها وما بقي أحد وقد أمرني الله بقبض روحك , فيقول إسرافيل: سبحان من قهر العباد بالموت, سبحان من تفرد بالبقاء ,ثم يقول مولاي هون علي مرارة الموت .فيضمه ملك الموت ضمه يقبض فيها روحه فيخر صريعا فلو كان أهل السموات والأرض في السموات والأرض لماتوا كلهم من شدة وقعته .
موت ملك الموت عليه السلام ( الموكل بقبض الأرواح )
فيسأل الله ملك الموت من بقي يا ملك الموت؟ _ وهواعلم _فيقو ل مولاي وسيدي أنت اعلم بمن بقي بقي عبدك الضعيف ملك الموت فيقول الجبار عز وجل : وعزتي وجلالي لأذيقنك ما أذقت عبادي انطلق بين الجنة والنار ومت , فينطلق بين الجنة والنار فيصيح صيحة لولا أن الله تبارك وتعالى أمات الخلائق لماتوا عن أخرهم من شدة صيحته فيموت .
ثم يطلع الله تبارك وتعالى إلى الدنيا فيقول :يا دنيا أين أنهارك أين أشجارك وأين عمارك؟ أين الملوك وأبنا ء الملوك وأين الجبابرة وأبناء الجبابرة؟ أين الذين أكلوا رزقي وتقلبوا في نعمتي وعبدوا غيري,
لمن الملك اليوم؟
فلا يجيبه أحد فيرد الله عز وجل فيقول :
الملك لله الواحد القهار
سبحان الواحد القهار سبحان الفرد الصمد
[]اللهم انا نشهد بأنك انت الله لا إله إلا أنت الواحد الأحد الفرد الصمد الذي لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفواً احد[/
كيف تموت الملائكة ؟؟؟
وماذا تطلب في لحظاتها الأخيرة ؟؟؟؟
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
والصلاة والسلام على خير البرية محمد بن عبد الله عليه أفضل الصلاة وأتم التسليم ....
قال تعالى في محكم التنزيل ((كل من عليها فان ويبقى وجه ربك ذو الجلا ل والإكرام)) كل من على الدنيا هالك لا محالة إلا الله عز وجل لا اله إلا هو سبحانه ...
فسأذكر لكم أحبتي في الله عن كيفيه موت الملائكة عليهم السلام .
كما نقل في كتاب ابن الجوزي رحمة الله ( بستان الواعظين ورياض السامعين)
بعدما ينفخ اسرافيل عليه السلام في الصور النفخة الأولى تستوي الأرض من شدة الزلزلة فيموت أهل الأرض جميعا وتموت ملائكة السبع سموات والحجب والسرادقات والصافون والمسبحون وحملة العرش وأهل سرادقات المجد والكروبيون ويبقى جبريل وميكائيل واسرافيل وملك الموت عليهم السلام .
موت جبريل علية السلام
يقول الجبار جل جلاله :يا ملك الموت من بقي؟ وهو أعلم_ فيقول ملك الموت :سيدي ومولاي أنت أعلم بقي إسرافيل وبقي ميكائيل وبقي جبريل وبقي عبدك الضعيف ملك الموت خاضع ذليل قد ذهلت نفسه لعظيم ما عاين من الأهوال . فيقول له الجبار تبارك وتعالى: انطلق إلى جبريل فأقبض روحه فينطلق إلى جبريل فيجده ساجدا راكعا فيقول له : ما أغفلك عما يراد بك يا مسكين قد مات بنو ادم وأهل الدنيا والأرض والطير والسباع والهوام وسكانالسموات وحملة العرش والكرسي والسرادقاتوسكان سدرة المنتهى وقد أمرني المولى بقبض روحك ! فعند ذلك يبكي جبريل علية السلام ويقول متضرعا إلى الله عز وجل :يا الله هون علي سكرات الموت ( يا الله هذا ملك كريم يتضرع ويطلب من الله بتهوين سكرات الموت وهو لم يعصي الله قط فما بالنا نحن البشر ونحن ساهون لا نذكر الموت إلا قليل )
فيضمه ضمة فيخر جبريل منها صريعا فيقول الجبار جل جلاله : من بقي يا ملك الموت_ وهو أعلم_ فيقول: مولاي وسيدي بقي ميكائيل وإسرافيل وعبدك الضعيف ملك الموت
موت ميكائيل عليه السلام (الملك المكلف بالماء والقطر )
فيقول الله عز وجل انطلق الى ميكائيل فأقبض روحه فينطلق الى ميكائيل فيجده ينتظر المطر ليكيله على السحاب فيقول له : ما أغفلك يا مسكين عما يراد بك ! ما بقي لبني ادم رزق ولا للأنعام ولا للوحوش ولا للهوام , قد أهلك أهل السموات والارضين وأهل الحجب والسرادقات وحملة العرش والكرسي وسرادقات المجد والكروبيون والصافون والمسبحون وقد أمرني ربي بقبض روحك , فعند ذلك يبكي ميكائيل ويتضرع إلى الله ويسأله أن يهون عليه سكرات الموت , فيحضنه ملك الموت ويضمه ضمة يقبض روحه فيخر صريعا ميتا لا روح فيه ,فيقول الجبار جل جلالة : من بقي_وهو أعلم _ يا ملك الموت؟ فيقول مولاي وسيدي أنت أعلم بقي إسرافيل وعبدك الضعيف ملك الموت .
موت إسرافيل عليه السلام ( الملك الموكل بنفخ الصور)
فيقول الجبار تبارك وتعالى :انطلق إلى إسرافيل فاقبض روحه .. فينطلق كما أمره الجبار إلى إسرافيل (واسرافيل ملك عظيم ) , فيقول له ما أغفلك يا مسكين عما يراد بك! قد ماتت الخلائق كلها وما بقي أحد وقد أمرني الله بقبض روحك , فيقول إسرافيل: سبحان من قهر العباد بالموت, سبحان من تفرد بالبقاء ,ثم يقول مولاي هون علي مرارة الموت .فيضمه ملك الموت ضمه يقبض فيها روحه فيخر صريعا فلو كان أهل السموات والأرض في السموات والأرض لماتوا كلهم من شدة وقعته .
موت ملك الموت عليه السلام ( الموكل بقبض الأرواح )
فيسأل الله ملك الموت من بقي يا ملك الموت؟ _ وهواعلم _فيقو ل مولاي وسيدي أنت اعلم بمن بقي بقي عبدك الضعيف ملك الموت فيقول الجبار عز وجل : وعزتي وجلالي لأذيقنك ما أذقت عبادي انطلق بين الجنة والنار ومت , فينطلق بين الجنة والنار فيصيح صيحة لولا أن الله تبارك وتعالى أمات الخلائق لماتوا عن أخرهم من شدة صيحته فيموت .
ثم يطلع الله تبارك وتعالى إلى الدنيا فيقول :يا دنيا أين أنهارك أين أشجارك وأين عمارك؟ أين الملوك وأبنا ء الملوك وأين الجبابرة وأبناء الجبابرة؟ أين الذين أكلوا رزقي وتقلبوا في نعمتي وعبدوا غيري,
لمن الملك اليوم؟
فلا يجيبه أحد فيرد الله عز وجل فيقول :
الملك لله الواحد القهار
سبحان الواحد القهار سبحان الفرد الصمد
[]اللهم انا نشهد بأنك انت الله لا إله إلا أنت الواحد الأحد الفرد الصمد الذي لم يلد ولم يولد ولم يكن له كفواً احد[/
allah's names
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In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the MercifulThere is no deity but Allah.The word Allah is used by all Arabic-speaking Muslims, Christians, Jews, and others. Allah, as a deity, was known in pre-Islamic Arabia. Religious scholars have related that Allah has three thousand names. One thousand are only known by angels, 1,000 known only by prophets, 300 are in the Torah (Old Testament), 300 are in Zabur (Psalms of David), 300 are in the New Testament, and 99 are in the Qur'an. This makes 2,999 Names. One Name which has been hidden by Allah is called Ism Allah al-azam: The Greatest Name of Allah.1. AllahAllah, He who has the Godhood which is the power to create the entities.2. Ar-RahmanThe Compassionate, The Beneficent, The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers and the blasphemers in this world and especially for the believers in the hereafter.3. Ar-RaheemThe Merciful, The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers.4. Al-MalikThe King, The Sovereign Lord, The One with the complete Dominion, the One Whose Dominion is clear from imperfection.5. Al-QuddoosThe Holy, The One who is pure from any imperfection and clear from children and adversaries.6. As-SalaamThe Source of Peace, The One who is free from every imperfection.7. Al-Mu'minGuardian of Faith, The One who witnessed for Himself that no one is God but Him. And He witnessed for His believers that they are truthful in their belief that no one is God but Him.8. Al-MuhaiminThe Protector, The One who witnesses the saying and deeds of His creatures.9. Al-^AzeezThe Mighty, The Strong, The Defeater who is not defeated.10. Al-JabbaarThe Compeller, The One that nothing happens in His Dominion except that which He willed.11. Al-MutakabbirThe Majestic, The One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures and from resembling them.12. Al-KhaaliqThe Creator, The One who brings everything from non-existence to existence.13. Al-Bari'The Evolver, The Maker, The Creator who has the Power to turn the entities.14. Al-MusawwirThe Fashioner, The One who forms His creatures in different pictures.15. Al-GhaffaarThe Great Forgiver, The Forgiver, The One who forgives the sins of His slaves time and time again.16. Al-QahhaarThe Subduer, The Dominant, The One who has the perfect Power and is not unable over anything.17. Al-WahhaabThe Bestower, The One who is Generous in giving plenty without any return. He is everything that benefits whether Halal or Haram.18. Al-RazzaaqThe Sustainer, The Provider.19. Al-FattaahThe Opener, The Reliever, The Judge, The One who opens for His slaves the closed worldly and religious matters.20. Al-^AleemThe All-knowing, The Knowledgeable; The One nothing is absent from His knowledge.21. Al-QaabidThe Constricter, The Retainer, The Withholder, The One who constricts the sustenance by His wisdom and expands and widens it with His Generosity and Mercy.22. Al-BaasitThe Expander, The Enlarger, The One who constricts the sustenance by His wisdom and expands and widens it with His Generosity and Mercy.23. Al-KhaafidThe Abaser, The One who lowers whoever He willed by His Destruction and raises whoever He willed by His Endowment.24. Ar-Raafi^The Exalter, The Elevator, The One who lowers whoever He willed by His Destruction and raises whoever He willed by His Endowment.25. Al-Mu^izThe Honorary, He gives esteem to whoever He willed, hence there is no one to degrade Him; And He degrades whoever He willed, hence there is no one to give Him esteem.26. Al-MuthilThe Dishonorer, The Humiliator, He gives esteem to whoever He willed, hence there is no one to degrade Him; And He degrades whoever He willed, hence there is no one to give Him esteem.27. As-Samee^The All-Hearing, The Hearer, The One who Hears all things that are heard by His Eternal Hearing without an ear, instrument or organ.28. Al-BaseerThe All-Seeing, The One who Sees all things that are seen by His Eternal Seeing without a pupil or any other instrument.29. Al-HakamThe Judge, He is the Ruler and His judgment is His Word.30. Al-^AdlThe Just, The One who is entitled to do what He does.31. Al-LateefThe Subtle One, The Gracious, The One who is kind to His slaves and endows upon them.32. Al-KhabeerThe Aware, The One who knows the truth of things.33. Al-HaleemThe Forebearing, The Clement, The One who delays the punishment for those who deserve it and then He might forgive them.34. Al-^AzeemThe Great One, The Mighty, The One deserving the attributes of Exaltment, Glory, Extolment, and Purity from all imperfection.35. Al-GhafoorThe All-Forgiving, The Forgiving, The One who forgives a lot.36. Ash-ShakoorThe Grateful, The Appreciative, The One who gives a lot of reward for a little obedience.37. Al-^AliyyThe Most High, The Sublime, The One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures.38. Al-KabeerThe Most Great, The Great, The One who is greater than everything in status.39. Al-HafeezThe Preserver, The Protector, The One who protects whatever and whoever He willed to protect.40. Al-MuqeetThe Maintainer, The Guardian, The Feeder, The Sustainer, The One who has the Power.41. Al-HaseebThe Reckoner, The One who gives the satisfaction.42. Aj-JaleelThe Sublime One, The Beneficent, The One who is attributed with greatness of Power and Glory of status.43. Al-KareemThe Generous One, The Bountiful, The Gracious, The One who is attributed with greatness of Power and Glory of status.44. Ar-RaqeebThe Watcher, The Watchful, The One that nothing is absent from Him. Hence it's meaning is related to the attribute of Knowledge.45. Al-MujeebThe Responsive, The Hearkener, The One who answers the one in need if he asks Him and rescues the yearner if he calls upon Him.46. Al-Wasi^The Vast, The All-Embracing, The Knowledgeable.47. Al-HakeemThe Wise, The Judge of Judges, The One who is correct in His doings.48. Al-WadoodThe Loving, The One who loves His believing slaves and His believing slaves love Him. His love to His slaves is His Will to be merciful to them and praise them: Hence it's meaning is related to the attributes of the Will and Kalam (His attribute with which He orders and forbids and spoke to Muhammad and Musa -peace be upon them- . It is not a sound nor a language nor a letter.).49. Al-MajeedThe Most Glorious One, The Glorious, The One who is with perfect Power, High Status, Compassion, Generosity and Kindness.50. Al-Ba^ithThe Resurrecter, The Raiser (from death), The One who resurrects His slaves after death for reward and/or punishment.51. Ash-ShaheedThe Witness, The One who nothing is absent from Him.52. Al-HaqqThe Truth, The True, The One who truly exists.53. Al-WakeelThe Trustee, The One who gives the satisfaction and is relied upon.54. Al-QawiyyThe Most Strong, The Strong, The One with the complete Power.55. Al-MateenThe Firm One, The One with extreme Power which is uninterrupted and He does not get tired.56. Al-WaliyyThe Protecting Friend, The Supporter.57. Al-HameedThe Praiseworthy, The praised One who deserves to be praised.58. Al-MuhseeThe Counter, The Reckoner, The One who the count of things are known to him.59. Al-Mubdi'The Originator, The One who started the human being. That is, He created him.60. Al-Mu^eedThe Reproducer, The One who brings back the creatures after death.61. Al-MuhyiThe Restorer, The Giver of Life, The One who took out a living human from semen that does not have a soul. He gives life by giving the souls back to the worn out bodies on the resurrection day and He makes the hearts alive by the light of knowledge.62. Al-MumeetThe Creator of Death, The Destroyer, The One who renders the living dead.63. Al-HayyThe Alive, The One attributed with a life that is unlike our life and is not that of a combination of soul, flesh or blood.64. Al-QayyoomThe Self-Subsisting, The One who remains and does not end.65. Al-WaajidThe Perceiver, The Finder, The Rich who is never poor. Al-Wajd is Richness.66. Al-WaahidThe Unique, The One, The One without a partner.67. Al-AhadThe One.68. As-SamadThe Eternal, The Independent, The Master who is relied upon in matters and reverted to in ones needs.69. Al-QaadirThe Able, The Capable, The One attributed with Power.70. Al-MuqtadirThe Powerful, The Dominant, The One with the perfect Power that nothing is withheld from Him.71. Al-MuqaddimThe Expediter, The Promoter, The One who puts things in their right places. He makes ahead what He wills and delays what He wills.72. Al-Mu'akh-khirThe Delayer, the Retarder, The One who puts things in their right places. He makes ahead what He wills and delays what He wills.73. Al-'AwwalThe First, The One whose Existence is without a beginning.74. Al-'AkhirThe Last, The One whose Existence is without an end.75. Az-ZaahirThe Manifest, The One that nothing is above Him and nothing is underneath Him, hence He exists without a place. He, The Exalted, His Existence is obvious by proofs and He is clear from the delusions of attributes of bodies.76. Al-BaatinThe Hidden, The One that nothing is above Him and nothing is underneath Him, hence He exists without a place. He, The Exalted, His Existence is obvious by proofs and He is clear from the delusions of attributes of bodies.77. Al-WaleeThe Governor, The One who owns things and manages them.78. Al-Muta^aliThe Most Exalted, The High Exalted, The One who is clear from the attributes of the creation.79. Al-BarrThe Source of All Goodness, The Righteous, The One who is kind to His creatures, who covered them with His sustenance and specified whoever He willed among them by His support, protection, and special mercy.80. At-TawwaabThe Acceptor of Repentance, The Relenting, The One who grants repentance to whoever He willed among His creatures and accepts his repentance.81. Al-MuntaqimThe Avenger, The One who victoriously prevails over His enemies and punishes them for their sins. It may mean the One who destroys them.82. Al-^AfuwwThe Pardoner, The Forgiver, The One with wide forgiveness.83. Ar-Ra'ufThe Compassionate, The One with extreme Mercy. The Mercy of Allah is His will to endow upon whoever He willed among His creatures.84. Malik Al-MulkThe Eternal Owner of Sovereignty, The One who controls the Dominion and gives dominion to whoever He willed.85. Thul-Jalali wal-IkramThe Lord of Majesty and Bounty, The One who deserves to be Exalted and not denied.86. Al-MuqsitThe Equitable, The One who is Just in His judgment.87. Aj-Jaami^The Gatherer, The One who gathers the creatures on a day that there is no doubt about, that is the Day of Judgment.88. Al-GhaniyyThe Self-Sufficient, The One who does not need the creation.89. Al-MughniThe Enricher, The One who satisfies the necessities of the creatures.90. Al-Maani^The Preventer, The Withholder.91. Ad-DaarrThe Distresser, The One who makes harm reach to whoever He willed and benefit to whoever He willed.92. An-Nafi^The Propitious, The One who makes harm reach to whoever He willed and benefit to whoever He willed.93. An-NoorThe Light, The One who guides.94. Al-HaadiThe Guide, The One whom with His Guidance His believers were guided, and with His Guidance the living beings have been guided to what is beneficial for them and protected from what is harmful to them.95. Al-Badi^The Incomparable, The One who created the creation and formed it without any preceding example.96. Al-BaaqiThe Everlasting, The One that the state of non-existence is impossible for Him.97. Al-WaarithThe Supreme Inheritor, The Heir, The One whose Existence remains.98. Ar-RasheedThe Guide to the Right Path, The One who guides.99. As-SaboorThe Patient, The One who does not quickly punish the sinners. "...There is nothing whatever like unto Him, and He is the One that hears and sees (all things). Qur'an [42:11]
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In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the MercifulThere is no deity but Allah.The word Allah is used by all Arabic-speaking Muslims, Christians, Jews, and others. Allah, as a deity, was known in pre-Islamic Arabia. Religious scholars have related that Allah has three thousand names. One thousand are only known by angels, 1,000 known only by prophets, 300 are in the Torah (Old Testament), 300 are in Zabur (Psalms of David), 300 are in the New Testament, and 99 are in the Qur'an. This makes 2,999 Names. One Name which has been hidden by Allah is called Ism Allah al-azam: The Greatest Name of Allah.1. AllahAllah, He who has the Godhood which is the power to create the entities.2. Ar-RahmanThe Compassionate, The Beneficent, The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers and the blasphemers in this world and especially for the believers in the hereafter.3. Ar-RaheemThe Merciful, The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers.4. Al-MalikThe King, The Sovereign Lord, The One with the complete Dominion, the One Whose Dominion is clear from imperfection.5. Al-QuddoosThe Holy, The One who is pure from any imperfection and clear from children and adversaries.6. As-SalaamThe Source of Peace, The One who is free from every imperfection.7. Al-Mu'minGuardian of Faith, The One who witnessed for Himself that no one is God but Him. And He witnessed for His believers that they are truthful in their belief that no one is God but Him.8. Al-MuhaiminThe Protector, The One who witnesses the saying and deeds of His creatures.9. Al-^AzeezThe Mighty, The Strong, The Defeater who is not defeated.10. Al-JabbaarThe Compeller, The One that nothing happens in His Dominion except that which He willed.11. Al-MutakabbirThe Majestic, The One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures and from resembling them.12. Al-KhaaliqThe Creator, The One who brings everything from non-existence to existence.13. Al-Bari'The Evolver, The Maker, The Creator who has the Power to turn the entities.14. Al-MusawwirThe Fashioner, The One who forms His creatures in different pictures.15. Al-GhaffaarThe Great Forgiver, The Forgiver, The One who forgives the sins of His slaves time and time again.16. Al-QahhaarThe Subduer, The Dominant, The One who has the perfect Power and is not unable over anything.17. Al-WahhaabThe Bestower, The One who is Generous in giving plenty without any return. He is everything that benefits whether Halal or Haram.18. Al-RazzaaqThe Sustainer, The Provider.19. Al-FattaahThe Opener, The Reliever, The Judge, The One who opens for His slaves the closed worldly and religious matters.20. Al-^AleemThe All-knowing, The Knowledgeable; The One nothing is absent from His knowledge.21. Al-QaabidThe Constricter, The Retainer, The Withholder, The One who constricts the sustenance by His wisdom and expands and widens it with His Generosity and Mercy.22. Al-BaasitThe Expander, The Enlarger, The One who constricts the sustenance by His wisdom and expands and widens it with His Generosity and Mercy.23. Al-KhaafidThe Abaser, The One who lowers whoever He willed by His Destruction and raises whoever He willed by His Endowment.24. Ar-Raafi^The Exalter, The Elevator, The One who lowers whoever He willed by His Destruction and raises whoever He willed by His Endowment.25. Al-Mu^izThe Honorary, He gives esteem to whoever He willed, hence there is no one to degrade Him; And He degrades whoever He willed, hence there is no one to give Him esteem.26. Al-MuthilThe Dishonorer, The Humiliator, He gives esteem to whoever He willed, hence there is no one to degrade Him; And He degrades whoever He willed, hence there is no one to give Him esteem.27. As-Samee^The All-Hearing, The Hearer, The One who Hears all things that are heard by His Eternal Hearing without an ear, instrument or organ.28. Al-BaseerThe All-Seeing, The One who Sees all things that are seen by His Eternal Seeing without a pupil or any other instrument.29. Al-HakamThe Judge, He is the Ruler and His judgment is His Word.30. Al-^AdlThe Just, The One who is entitled to do what He does.31. Al-LateefThe Subtle One, The Gracious, The One who is kind to His slaves and endows upon them.32. Al-KhabeerThe Aware, The One who knows the truth of things.33. Al-HaleemThe Forebearing, The Clement, The One who delays the punishment for those who deserve it and then He might forgive them.34. Al-^AzeemThe Great One, The Mighty, The One deserving the attributes of Exaltment, Glory, Extolment, and Purity from all imperfection.35. Al-GhafoorThe All-Forgiving, The Forgiving, The One who forgives a lot.36. Ash-ShakoorThe Grateful, The Appreciative, The One who gives a lot of reward for a little obedience.37. Al-^AliyyThe Most High, The Sublime, The One who is clear from the attributes of the creatures.38. Al-KabeerThe Most Great, The Great, The One who is greater than everything in status.39. Al-HafeezThe Preserver, The Protector, The One who protects whatever and whoever He willed to protect.40. Al-MuqeetThe Maintainer, The Guardian, The Feeder, The Sustainer, The One who has the Power.41. Al-HaseebThe Reckoner, The One who gives the satisfaction.42. Aj-JaleelThe Sublime One, The Beneficent, The One who is attributed with greatness of Power and Glory of status.43. Al-KareemThe Generous One, The Bountiful, The Gracious, The One who is attributed with greatness of Power and Glory of status.44. Ar-RaqeebThe Watcher, The Watchful, The One that nothing is absent from Him. Hence it's meaning is related to the attribute of Knowledge.45. Al-MujeebThe Responsive, The Hearkener, The One who answers the one in need if he asks Him and rescues the yearner if he calls upon Him.46. Al-Wasi^The Vast, The All-Embracing, The Knowledgeable.47. Al-HakeemThe Wise, The Judge of Judges, The One who is correct in His doings.48. Al-WadoodThe Loving, The One who loves His believing slaves and His believing slaves love Him. His love to His slaves is His Will to be merciful to them and praise them: Hence it's meaning is related to the attributes of the Will and Kalam (His attribute with which He orders and forbids and spoke to Muhammad and Musa -peace be upon them- . It is not a sound nor a language nor a letter.).49. Al-MajeedThe Most Glorious One, The Glorious, The One who is with perfect Power, High Status, Compassion, Generosity and Kindness.50. Al-Ba^ithThe Resurrecter, The Raiser (from death), The One who resurrects His slaves after death for reward and/or punishment.51. Ash-ShaheedThe Witness, The One who nothing is absent from Him.52. Al-HaqqThe Truth, The True, The One who truly exists.53. Al-WakeelThe Trustee, The One who gives the satisfaction and is relied upon.54. Al-QawiyyThe Most Strong, The Strong, The One with the complete Power.55. Al-MateenThe Firm One, The One with extreme Power which is uninterrupted and He does not get tired.56. Al-WaliyyThe Protecting Friend, The Supporter.57. Al-HameedThe Praiseworthy, The praised One who deserves to be praised.58. Al-MuhseeThe Counter, The Reckoner, The One who the count of things are known to him.59. Al-Mubdi'The Originator, The One who started the human being. That is, He created him.60. Al-Mu^eedThe Reproducer, The One who brings back the creatures after death.61. Al-MuhyiThe Restorer, The Giver of Life, The One who took out a living human from semen that does not have a soul. He gives life by giving the souls back to the worn out bodies on the resurrection day and He makes the hearts alive by the light of knowledge.62. Al-MumeetThe Creator of Death, The Destroyer, The One who renders the living dead.63. Al-HayyThe Alive, The One attributed with a life that is unlike our life and is not that of a combination of soul, flesh or blood.64. Al-QayyoomThe Self-Subsisting, The One who remains and does not end.65. Al-WaajidThe Perceiver, The Finder, The Rich who is never poor. Al-Wajd is Richness.66. Al-WaahidThe Unique, The One, The One without a partner.67. Al-AhadThe One.68. As-SamadThe Eternal, The Independent, The Master who is relied upon in matters and reverted to in ones needs.69. Al-QaadirThe Able, The Capable, The One attributed with Power.70. Al-MuqtadirThe Powerful, The Dominant, The One with the perfect Power that nothing is withheld from Him.71. Al-MuqaddimThe Expediter, The Promoter, The One who puts things in their right places. He makes ahead what He wills and delays what He wills.72. Al-Mu'akh-khirThe Delayer, the Retarder, The One who puts things in their right places. He makes ahead what He wills and delays what He wills.73. Al-'AwwalThe First, The One whose Existence is without a beginning.74. Al-'AkhirThe Last, The One whose Existence is without an end.75. Az-ZaahirThe Manifest, The One that nothing is above Him and nothing is underneath Him, hence He exists without a place. He, The Exalted, His Existence is obvious by proofs and He is clear from the delusions of attributes of bodies.76. Al-BaatinThe Hidden, The One that nothing is above Him and nothing is underneath Him, hence He exists without a place. He, The Exalted, His Existence is obvious by proofs and He is clear from the delusions of attributes of bodies.77. Al-WaleeThe Governor, The One who owns things and manages them.78. Al-Muta^aliThe Most Exalted, The High Exalted, The One who is clear from the attributes of the creation.79. Al-BarrThe Source of All Goodness, The Righteous, The One who is kind to His creatures, who covered them with His sustenance and specified whoever He willed among them by His support, protection, and special mercy.80. At-TawwaabThe Acceptor of Repentance, The Relenting, The One who grants repentance to whoever He willed among His creatures and accepts his repentance.81. Al-MuntaqimThe Avenger, The One who victoriously prevails over His enemies and punishes them for their sins. It may mean the One who destroys them.82. Al-^AfuwwThe Pardoner, The Forgiver, The One with wide forgiveness.83. Ar-Ra'ufThe Compassionate, The One with extreme Mercy. The Mercy of Allah is His will to endow upon whoever He willed among His creatures.84. Malik Al-MulkThe Eternal Owner of Sovereignty, The One who controls the Dominion and gives dominion to whoever He willed.85. Thul-Jalali wal-IkramThe Lord of Majesty and Bounty, The One who deserves to be Exalted and not denied.86. Al-MuqsitThe Equitable, The One who is Just in His judgment.87. Aj-Jaami^The Gatherer, The One who gathers the creatures on a day that there is no doubt about, that is the Day of Judgment.88. Al-GhaniyyThe Self-Sufficient, The One who does not need the creation.89. Al-MughniThe Enricher, The One who satisfies the necessities of the creatures.90. Al-Maani^The Preventer, The Withholder.91. Ad-DaarrThe Distresser, The One who makes harm reach to whoever He willed and benefit to whoever He willed.92. An-Nafi^The Propitious, The One who makes harm reach to whoever He willed and benefit to whoever He willed.93. An-NoorThe Light, The One who guides.94. Al-HaadiThe Guide, The One whom with His Guidance His believers were guided, and with His Guidance the living beings have been guided to what is beneficial for them and protected from what is harmful to them.95. Al-Badi^The Incomparable, The One who created the creation and formed it without any preceding example.96. Al-BaaqiThe Everlasting, The One that the state of non-existence is impossible for Him.97. Al-WaarithThe Supreme Inheritor, The Heir, The One whose Existence remains.98. Ar-RasheedThe Guide to the Right Path, The One who guides.99. As-SaboorThe Patient, The One who does not quickly punish the sinners. "...There is nothing whatever like unto Him, and He is the One that hears and sees (all things). Qur'an [42:11]
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سُكون يخيم علي كل شيء tout est immobileصمت رهيب وهدوء عجيب ليس هناك سوى موتى وقبور un silence horrible et un calme terrible, il n'y a que des morts et des tombesانتهى الزمان وفات الاوان les temps sont fini et l'heure est arrivéeصيحة عالية رهيبة تشق الصمت un grand et terrifiant hurlement qui casse ce silenceيدوي صوتها في الفضاء توقظ الموتى son écho se répond dans l'espace et réveil les mortsتبعثر القبور disperse les tombesتنشق الارض explose le solيخرج منها البشر duquel sortent des humainsحفاة عراة nuesعليهم غبار قبورهم envahis de la poussière de leurs tombesكلهم يسرعون يلبون النداء فاليوم هو يوم القيامة لا كلام tous pressés à répondre à l'appel car aujourd'hui c'est sans doute le jour du réveil ينظر الناس les gens regardentحولهم في ذهول autour d'eux avec stupéfianceهل هذه الارض التي عشنا عليها ؟؟؟ Est-ce la terre sur laquelle on a vécu???الجبال دكت les montagnes sont écraséesالانهار جفت les rivières séchéesالبحار اشتعلت الارض غير الارض les mers enflammées, et la terre n'est plus terreالسماء غير السماء le ciel n'est plus le cielلا مفر من تلبية النداء nul part ou fuir à part répondre à l'appelوقعت الواقعة !!!! !!!! L'événement attendu se produitالكل يصمت الكل مشغول بنفسه لا يفكر الا في مصيبته tout le monde est silencieux, chacun est occupé à trouver une solution à son casالان اكتمل العدد من الانس والجن والشياطين والوحوش maintenant, le nombre est au complet, humains, esprits(Djinns), diables et animauxالكل واقفون في ارض واحدة tous debout dans un même terrainفجأة ..... ..... Soudainتتعلق العيون بالسماء انها تنشق في صوت رهيب يزيد الرعب les regards sont figés sur le ciel, il s'ouvre générant un bruit terrifiant qui augmente la terreur, رعبا والفزع فزعا et amplifie la stupeurينزل من السماء ملائكة اشكالهم رهيبة et descendent du ciel des anges aux formes terrifiantesواقفون صفا واحدا في خشوع وذل se mettent debout dans une rangé avec crainte et soumissionيفزع الناس يسألونهم les gens choqués leurs demandent...أفيكم ربنا ... ؟؟؟!!! Est-ce que notre Dieu est parmi vous...???ترتجف الملائكة les anges tremblent سبحان ربنا et louent le seigneurليس بيننا ولكنه آت ... ... il n'est pas parmi nous, mais il arriveيتوالي نزول الملائكة حتي ينزل حملة les anges continuent à descendre jusqu'à ce que les porteursالعرش ينطلق منهم صوت التسبيح du trône arrivent en louant le seigneur عاليا في صمت الخلائق très fort et très haut dans un silence complet des créaturesثم ينزل الله تبارك وتعالي في et ensuite descend Allah le Plus Grand et le Plus Fortجلاله وملكه ويضع كرسيه حيث يشاءمن ارضه dans Son Altesse et Son Royaume et place Sa chaise la où Il veut sur Sa terreفمن وجد خيرا فليحمد الله ومن وجد غير ذلك فلا يلومن الا نفسه celui qui trouve du bien, remerciera Allah et les autres ne doivent en vouloir que leurs propres personnesالناس ابصارهم زائغة les regards des gens sont perdusوالشمس تدنو من الرؤس من فوقهم لا يفصل بينهم وبينها le soleil se rapproche très fort des têtes des gens الا ميل واحدولكنها في هذا اليوم حرها مضاعف et ce jour la, sa chaleur est multipliéeانا وأنت واقفون معهم نبكي Toi, et moi debout parmi ses gens en pleursدموعنا تنهمر من الفزع والخوف nos larmes coulent de peur et de terreurالكل ينتظر ويطول الانتظار tout le monde attend et l'attente s'étendخمســـــــــــــــــــــــون ألف سنة cinquante milles annéesتقف لا تدري الى أين تمضي الى الجنة او النار tu es debout, tu ne sais pas ou tu vas atterrir, paradis ou enferخمسون الف سنة ولا شربة ماء cinquante milles ans sans goute d'eauxتلتهب الافواه والامعاء les bouches et les intestins s'enflammentالكل ينتظر tout le monde attendالبعض يطلب الرحمة ولو بالذهاب الي النار من هول الموقف وطول certain demande la miséricorde même si c'est pour aller directement en enfer tellement la situation est insupportableالانتظار لهذه الدرجة نعم؟؟؟!!! L'attente à ce point ?? Oui!!!ماذا أفعل.. Qu'est ce que je fais ...هل من ملجأ يومئذ من كل هذا ؟؟؟ Est-ce qu'il y a un refuge de tout ça ce jour la???نعم فهناك أصحاب الامتيازات الخاصة oui, il y a ceux qui ont des traitements de faveursالسبعة الذين يظلهم الله تحت عرشه les sept qu'Allah couvre avec l'ombre de son trôneمنهم شاب نشأ في طاعة الله parmi eux, un jeune qui a grandi dans l'obéissance d'Allahومنهم رجل قلبه معلق بالمساجد et parmi eux un homme au cœur attaché aux mosquéesومنهم من ذكر الله خاليا ففاضت عيناه et parmi eux un homme qui loue Allah en secret et qui pleure هل أنت من هؤلاء ؟؟؟ es-tu parmi eux?الأمل الأخير.. ... dernier espoirما حال بقية الناس ؟ Et les autres gens?يجثون على ركبهم خائفين .. ... ils avancent sur leurs genoux de peurأليس هذا هو أدم أبو البشر ؟ N'est ce pas Adam le père des humains?أليس هذا من أسجد الله له الملائكة ؟ n'est ce pas celui devant lequel les anges se sont prosterné?الكل يجري اليه .... ... tout le monde courent vers luiاشفع لنا عند الله اسأله أن يصرفنا من هذا الموقف .. ... demande à Allah de nous éviter cette situationفيقول : ان ربى قد غضب اليوم غضبا لم يغضب مثله من قبل .. Il répond: mon seigneur s'est énervé aujourd'hui comme il ne l'a jamais étéنفسي نفسي. . .. Et ajoute, d'abord moi, d'abord moiيجرون الى موسى فيقول ils courent vers moïse et il leurs ditنفسي نفسي .. .. D'abord moi, d'abord moiيجرون الى عيسى فيقول ils courent vers Jésus et il dit à son tourنفسي نفسي .. .. D'abord moi, d'abord moiوأنت معهم تهتف et toi parmi eux tu criesنفسي نفسي ..... .. D'abord moi, d'abord moiفاذا بهم يرون محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم jusqu'à ce qu'ils aperçoivent Mohammed (S)فيسرعون اليه et ils courent vers luiفينطلق الى ربه ويستأذن عليه فيؤذن له alors il se dirige vers son seigneur et demande l'autorisation de lui parler, et on la lui accordeيقال سل تعط واشفع تشفع .. ... on lui : demande et tu aurasوالناس كلهم يرتقبون et tous les gens attendentفاذا بنور باهر انه نور عرش الرحمن et la, une lumière éblouissante jailli du trône du miséricordieuxوأشرقت الارض بنور ربها et terre s'est illuminée avec la lumière de son Seigneurسيبدأ الحساب .. ... les comptes vont commencerينادي .. .. On appelفلان ا بن فلان .. .. Tel fils de telانه اسمك أنت c'est ton nom,تفزع من مكانك .. ... tu sursaute de ta placeيأتي عليك الملائكة يمسكون بك من كتفيك les anges viennent te récupérer en te tenant par les épaulesيمشون بك في وسط الخلائق vous avancez parmi les créaturesالراكعة على أرجلها prosternées sur leurs piedsوكلهم ينظرون اليك et tous te regardant صوت جهنم يزأر في أذنك .. Le son de l'enfer grogne dans tes oreillesوأيدي الملائكة على كتفك .. Et les mains des anges sur tes épaulesويذهبون بك لتقف أمام الله للسؤال ..... ..... Et t'emmènent au parloir devant Allahويبدأ مشهد جديد... et la commence un nouveau paysage...هذا المشهد سادعه لك أخي ولك يا أختي ce paysage la, je te le laisseفكل واحد منا يعرف ماذا عمل في حياته parce que tu connais mieux que quiconque ce que tu as fais pendant ta vieهل أطعت الله ورسوله محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم؟؟؟ As tu obéi à Allah et son prophète (S)هل قرأت القرآن الكريم وعملت بأحكامه ؟؟ As tu lu le coran et travailler avec ses commandementsهل عملت بسنة نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ؟؟؟ as-tu travailler avec la tradition de notre prophète Mohammed(S)?أم اتخذت لك نهجا غير نهجه...وسنةغير سنته... ... ou tu as adopté une façon de faire propre à toi,وكنت من الذين أخبر عنهم حين قال et que tu fais parti de ceux desquels le prophète (S) a ditوإنّ امّتي ستفرق بعدي على ثلاث وسبعين فرقة، ma communauté sera divisée après moi en 73 groupesفرقة منها ناجية واثنتان وسبعون في النار. 1 seul parmi ces groupe est sauvé, et les autres en enferفهل سألت نفسك من أي فرقة ستكون؟؟؟ Tu t'es déjà posé la question de quel groupe tu fais parti???هل أديت الصلاة في وقتها ؟؟؟ as tu prié à l'heure?هل صمت رمضان ايمانا واحتسابا ؟؟؟ as-tu jeuné pendant le ramadan par croyance??هل تجنبت النفاق أمام الناس بحثا عن الشهرة ؟؟ as tu éviter l'hypocrisie parmi les gens en quête de la célébrité ??هل أديت فريضة الحج ؟؟؟ as-tu fais l'obligation du pèlerinage??هل أديت زكاة مالك ؟؟؟ as-tu donné la Zakat de ton argent???هل كنت باراً بوالديك ؟؟ es tu bien avec tes parents??هل كنت صادقا مع نفسك ومع الناس أم كنت تكذب وتكذب وتكذب ؟؟ es-tu sincère avec toi même et avec les gens? Ou bien tu mens, et tu mens, et tu mens??هل كنت حسن الخلق أم عديم الأخلاق ؟؟؟ as-tu un bon comportement ou un mauvais comportement??هل ..وهل ..وهل ؟؟ est-ce... Est-ce ... est-ce????هناك الحساب .... .... là-bas est le rendement des comptesأما الآن ...!!! !!! ... mais maintenantفاعمل لذلك اليوم... .... Travail pour ce jour laولا تدخر جهداَ et n'économise aucun effortواعمل عملاَ يدخلك الجنه et fais ce qui te mène au paradisويبيض وجهك أمام الله يوم تلقاه ليحاسبك et ce qui blanchi ton visage devant Allah le jour ou tu le verras pour ton rapportوإلا فإن جهنم هي المأوى .. ... sinon c'est l'enfer qui sera ton refugeواعلم أن الله كما أنه غفور رحيم هو أيضا شديد العقاب et sache que comme Allah et clément et miséricordieux, il est aussi sévère dans ses châtimentsفلا تأخذ صفه alors n'adopte pas un comportementوتنسى الأخرى .... ... pour oublier un autreإن كنت محباً للخير والمشاركة في الأجر والثواب مرر هذة الرسالة إلى إخوانك ومحبيك etsi tu aime le bien, et la participation dans la récompense, fais passerce message à tes frères et sœurs et tous ceux que tu aimeقال رسولنا الكريم صلى الله notre généreux prophète (S) a dit:عليه وسلم : ' الدال على الخير كفاعله ' 'Celui qui montre le bien, est comme celui qui le fait'أشياء لن يسألك الله عنها des choses à propos desquelles tu ne sera pas questionnéلن يسألك ما نوع السيارة التي تقودها .... .... Allah ne te demandera pas quel type de voiture tu asبل سيسألك كم شخصا نقلت بسيارتك ولم تكن لديه وسيلة مواصلات mais, combien de personne sans moyen de transport tu as transporté لن يسألك كم مساحة بيتك ..... بل سيسألك كم شخصا استضفت فيه ne te demandera pas quelle est la superficie de ta maison, mais combien d'invités tu as reçus dedans,لن يسألك كم كان راتبك ... بل سيسألك كيف أنفقته ومن اين اكتسبته il ne te demandera pas ton salaire, mais dans quoi tu l'as dépenséلن يسألك ما هو مسماك الوظيفي ... بل سيسألك كيف أديت عملك بقدر ما ne te demande pas ton grade au travail, mais te demandera comment tu l'as accompliتستطيع لن يسألك كم لك صديقاً بل سيسألك كم اخاً لك في الله. Ne te demandera pas combien d'amis tu as, mais combien de frère de religions tu asلن يسألك عن الحي الذي عشت فيه ..... بل سيسألك أي نوع من الجيران كنت ne te demandera pas dans quel cartier tu vivais, mais quel genre de voisin tu étaisلن يسألك عن لون ne te demandera pas la couleur de ta peauبشرتك .... بل سيسألك عن مكنونات نفسك ونظرتك للآخرين mais te demande ce que tu cache au font de toi, et ta vue sur les autresلن يسألك الله عن عدد الأشخاص الذين أرسلت لهم هذه الرسالة بل سيسألك ... ne te demandera pas le nombre de personne à qui tu as envoyé ce messageإن كنت قد خجلت من إرسالها لأصدقائك mais te demandera si tu étais timide de l'envoyer à tes amisولهذا فلن أخجل اليوم من ارسالها...اليكم....أحبتي... c'est pour ça que je ne me gène pas aujourd'hui et je vous l'envois mes chersجمعنا الله في qu'Allah nous unisse الفردوس الأعلى وجعلنا أخوة متحابين في ظله dans le paradis supérieur et qu'il face de nous des frères qui s'aiment sous son ombreيوم لا ظل الا ظله.... ... le jour ou il n'y a d'ombre que la sienneسبحانك اللهم وبحمدك أشهد أن لا إله إلا أنت أستغفرك وأتوب أليك
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